Wednesday 22 August 2007

Double Party...

Another party, for 2 weeks in a row.. umph, that's EXCITING!! lol.
This friday me and other 13 ppl went to "The Loft" - organized by UTS - Broadway. We were expecting that this party will be so hip and happening. So we decided to go a lil' bit earlier thus we can find seat. Because from experienced last week at the docks, we couldn't find any seat eventho' it's still around 11 p.m. Me, Liying and Natalia arranged to meet up with the rest at Starbucks-George St. After a while we sat, the first group arrived.. It was Mike, Nasser, and Yi Zhou a.k.a MYOB Guy. The next group is Imad, and 2 of his friends. The last group is Joshua, Adrian, and 3 other friends (1 guy and 2 girls) which I forgot their names. I only remember Jocelin. =). After chit chat for a while, we decided to head straight to "The Loft"... as we arrived there, I was kinda dissapointed. The place was weird, it's just like a block of restaurant. The bar and the lounge is inside, yet the dance floor is outdoor, with a big tree in the middle. And I thought it's going to be like last week's party at the docks, but none of them dress nicely. They wear t-shirt, jeans, and shoes-some of them even wear thongs.
* i love my liying *

*party peeps at 'the loft'*

that day was the first time I felt sleepy at a party. means, the party was Super BORING..... I sat at the lounge, have a talk with friends, have a lil' sip of everyone's drink. Then I felt so sleepy, and almost fell asleep. Plus Mike was somewhere over the rainbow.. and about 20 mins later, he came back and told us to go outside. So rather than to sit whole night at the lounge, I decided to go crazy a lil bit. I drank up all my drink, then straight away go outside.! Outside was kinda packed. Either it's because there were a lot of people dancing, or the place was small. Then we started to dance, and get high a lil' bit.. Like mike said, "You have to get the party started!!"..... At the dance floor, mike became the center of attention. He dance like crazy, swirl here and there. He really looks like the karaoke-balloon. lol. And that night, he was a whole different level of Mike... He rarely make funny face and expression everytime we took a picture, but that night he was really hyper to the max. You can see whole different expression of him...

Expression 1: Aaaaaaa....."I want to eatt youuu...."

*wasn't high enuff to get the party started*

*me and my daughter*

*with the winking Joshua*

*my photo session*
Expression 2: Lick a lick!!

*ms. witchery and mr.sparrow*

Expression 3: Rocker style..

*look at mike's expression!!*

Ok, we couldnt take the boringness anymore.. The party was dead and suck to the bottom of the ocean!.. The music sucks, the DJ was like pushing button. And there's people said that the DJ will hit it on around 1.30 p.m.

I was thinking like, "The hell 1.30 p.m. It's 12.30 and the party so dreadful, and not that much people come. This party sucks!!" Then all of sudden Joshua told me and Liying that Heman was at the malaysian party at the docks and it was wayyyy more happening than "The Loft"... atually we were thinking of not going to the docks, since we paid quite expensive for the loft. But after talks and talks, Mike persuade us to go.. and I was thinking, "maybe I should go, this party is dead. and hell no i'll spent my last party with all the dull-ness and boring-ness.. ok screw this, let's hit the dock"... *nice thoughts* lol.

So we all walked from Broadway to Darling Harbour. Actually, I was quite tired to walk that far. It was torturing. I was wearing heels, with super short dress, and It's cold and windy that night.. lol. Sacrifice for good. And I was really happy when I saw the guys sat on the stairs.. I was thinking, "Oh yes.. finally I can rest my feet a bit!!".... Then we decided to take a couple shots, the last shot, Mike asked a girl who passed by.. and he's kinda creep her out.. When he came approach her, Imad and some other friends shouted "Stay away from him!!!"," RUUNN!!!","He's a PERVERT!!!"... but the girls didnt seem to bother. She just took the camera and snap!..

Expression 4: This one normall.. ok!

*walking to 'the docks'-at darling harbour*

Finally we arrived at the docks for the Malaysian Dance Party.. The place was packed but not as packed as last week's party.. well maybe because, Indonesian are more than Malaysian, and Indonesian just LOVE to party and they will kill anything to go for a PARTY.. =)

*at 'the docks'-malaysian dance party*

Expression 5: I want to lick you MYOB guy!!!

*mike and mr.MYOB*

*me, liying, and natalia*

So we started to dance.. Then buy drinks. It was fun. Since Heman was there, so me and Liying decided to find him.. Apparently, he was at the bar with his 2 friends, Shivan and Shawn, do nothing. When we greet him, he was kinda shocked.. lol! Are we that gorgeous til make you feels so amused to see us??... He didn't introduce his friends to me, which apparently he didnt introduce them to me and Liying.. lol. Maybe he so excited to see us then forgot everything.. and liying said that Shivan was like "What the hell man....?" [wishing to get introduced] while Shawn just played cool, he just gave a lil' glance at us. Sorry Mr.Cool... Then finally Mike joined in, and he was so happy to see Heman, so did Heman!! awww... so sweet. lol. So we dance a while, and we decided to walked away a bit from the guys, but then we felt so bored, then started to join them again.. =)

And just exactly as what happened at the loft, Mike was dancing like crazy the whole night!! He was unbeatable.. Even he ask for a lil' bit of challenge from anyone around there.. and there's one guy who was dancing like crazy too, he said "No, i'll pass.." He's sure enough that he wouldn't be able to beat Mike. lol.

Expression 6: I have no idea... lol. Maybe it's "Peek-a-Boo"

*gorgeous daughter and hot mama*

We're getting so hyper time after time.. dance like there's no tomorrow. snap here snap there, with various of style.. That's fun!! Liying even took lots of Candid.. but some of us just too aware of camera. so everytime she took her camera, we straight away "POSE"..

Expression 7: Everybody say "Oooo" with me!!!

*this's what we call as "partyyy"*

Then I took a little break from the crazyness, then Nasser asked me to play with him.. It's a shoot thingy game. which kinda sucks! We have to shot moose, yet the moose ran so fast! and we only had 1 chance to shot! that's sucks! And we always missed. I even put the gun right in front of the screen, but still missed. What a rip off!! lol.

*"shoot the moose nasser, not the cow!!"*
While i was playing with Nasser, Liying decided to take a narcist time for a while with her friends.. and this is Heman.. mike's new lover! lol.

*liying's friend - Heman*

Expression 8: Peace beyb...

*another mike's expression*

Mike seems jealous of liying taking picture with Heman... he's so eager when Liying asked him for a picture with heman.. apparently, heman did feel the same! Look at his hand, holding mike so tight! lol. So did Mike!! that's unbearable or Intentionally???

Expression 9: Hey I can do tounge twister....

*the newly wed*

Expression 10: Fly me to the moonn.....

*fly me to the moonnn........*
I felt so bored at that point and thinking that I need something fun.. Then I started to provoke Joshua for shot! and he seems so excited. After 5 mins of thoughts, all of us decided to take the shot... Joshua ordered the shot yet he miscounted. He left Shawn behind.. So instead of drinking that night, he became the cameraman.. feels so bad! =(

*our tequilla shots - sorry shawn, you didn't get to drink it..*

*i look so thinn!!*

*who's the daddy, Josh??*

*cute bartender*

*cheerss.... [sorry shawn! lol]*

Expression 11: I'm happy.......

*not enuff drinks to get us high*

And I love this picture.. Liying accidently took it, but it seems so arranged. Dark and Bright side.. Nice right?? That's the fun thing of Candid.. Love it... Oh ya, Shawn was played cool and Shivan was kinda pissed when Heman didnt get him introduced to us, then they just cant resist us! lol.... Then Heman introduced us the themm.. And at that night I didn't remember their names. I didnt get Shivan's name at all, yet Shawn's name I changed it to George! Wth...

*the 'dark' and the 'bright' side*

*our toilet session*
We felt so tired and exhausted and I do need to sit. So nasser and mike suggested us to come with them to the Pool lounge.. Thank God there's lots of chair. So I get to rest my feet. While they're playing, I sat there in peace.. No one bother me to dance or to drink.. what a heaven.!

Expression 12: Smile sweetly in front of camera.. "sweettt"

*rockin' rio!!*

*from left to right: mr.myob's nose, shivan, heman, shawn, joshua, quarter adrian. lol*

We seriously felt so thirsty, till the angle-Joshua brought us a glass of cold water with lemon in it... Aww.. that's so refreshing!!!! Thank you Josh! And these pictures are the last shot we took before we went back home.. Heman, Shivan and Shawn left earlier, because they had somewhere to go... [that's what Shawn told me..] another party guys??? Oh ya anyway, that day was Heman's first drink for his entire lifetime!! Good boy turn Bad...

*need drinks??*

The heat was unbearable, and Mike felt so lonely and dissapointed after Heman left. Then he saw Joshua, sitting there all alone. Mike said to him that he no longer in love with Heman after he left him alone.. So he decided to change direction from Heman to Joshua.. Let me present to you.. "GAY OF THE NIGHT"...

Expression 13: Let me kiss you honey... *smoooccchh*

*the gay*
Me and liying felt that our spot light has been taken by them, so we decided to do a lil bit of Lesbos' move.. heheh.! Sorry we're lesbian.. Oops actually we're Bi.. taken yet available. =)

*the lesbos*

It's the couple last shot before we decided to went back home...

*insearch re-united*

*i need hug...*


I was extremely feel so tired and exhausted.. I have no more power to smile or even laugh. We went back home around 3 a.m. and arrived home around 3.20.. damn exhausted..!!

On our way home at the taxi, Mike called us.. And he told us the most unbelieveable and shocking things.. ! Nasser got MARRIED last week... and we were like "WHATT??????? where's the party??" lol.. neway, CONGRATULATION Nasser...


ok guys sorry to tell but this is the last party of the month...



liying said...

i love you too sexy hot mama! hehehe

u forgot to mention about something! The all-over-nic girl! hahahaha

.denise said...

oh ya... i'll post it now!! have to find mcd sign first!! hahaha

.denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike-revolution said...

WOW! Cheers Ms. Sweetie Witchery ^^ for dedicating most of ur post for ME!!! LOL + making the invitation for my B'day as well Gosh ur AMAZING! lol i think u deserve more and more doughnuts!

I must say i have never laughed so much reading someone's blog! =)

U MANAGED to describle 13 different expressions from a guy who usually only put a little smile in a photo!

and even when u have no idea ...quote "I have no idea... lol. Maybe it's "Peek-a-Boo"

*hahha u still manage to think of something! well done!

And the pic with me and Heman , just look at him laying his face on my shoulder , such a sweetie pie that guy ^^ (well i must say its neither unbearable or intentional, its just Natural, its magnetical, its LOVEEE)

*and u mistakenly thought shawn is George! that worths a JOTD lah!

The night had everything didnt it? drinks, dance, games, jokes, gay, lesbo...well we might not hv achieved getting Ms.Rodulgez drunk, nevertheless we did get a happy ending with "Nasser's living Happlily ever AFTER!

next party...(WEdding Crush!)

.denise said...

[liying] i love you too gorgeous daughter..

[mike] lol. I never thought i would do that, but when i was editing the picture i realized that your face all has different expression in every photo. so analyzing your face would be so much fun!!

oh mi god, i was really blank. and i couldnt find any words to express your face.. lol.

and the picture of you and heman, that's just extremely sweeett...^^

yea..shawn. I asked liying, "who's his name?? george, josh?" and liying was like.."umph idk. i think it starts with G"... both of us were wrong! lol.

yep we failed on Ms. Rodriguez. but the rest was FUN! super fun...

yep next party, "WEDDING CRASH".. and it's IRAAANNN party! lol

liying said...

WHAT? you still hav the tan lines from last summer's bondi outing?! DONT LIEEEE... hahaha.. u get fairer faster than me! u must hav gone out to the sun more often than me that's y u look darker... but then again.. i don't think u're darker! i think we're the same!

Anonymous said...

Honestly speaking - Denise is darker then LY, however theres nothing to be jealous or be ashame of!

Denise = natural tan skin which expresses ur true beauty

Li ying = whiter skin that brings out the innocent in u!

.denise said...

oh mi god!! mike.. you're such a great beauty advisor.. yea now i realize.. ppl will kill anything to get a skin colour like me! lol... thank you for waking me up!! hahaha