Friday 17 August 2007

let's get the party started!!!

" you!" :) as what i promised the other day, here's the post that you've been waiting for! (feels so wanted..) so the party was held at the most happenin' gig in sydney (yea...right). so the place called as "The Docks" hotel which located at the harbourside of Darling Harbour... So here the story goes......


right after class which suppose to be finished at 6 p.m. yet I skipped the last hour of the lecture. :) I st'raight away went to Liying's house which quite near from city. It only takes like 20 mins plus. On my way to bus stop at the city, I saw a 301 bus (That's the bus I'm taking) just passed right there in front of me... and I felt so lazy to chase the bus. So I decided to take a slow walk to the bus stop since I thought the next bus would come for the next 20-30 mins as usual. Unfortunately, the second bus passed the stop just 1 minute after the first bus. I was like.. "WHAT THE HELL???!!!?!?!?!"... I tried to run, but the bus driver didn't see me (most prob, pretend not to see you!!! what an attitude.!) anyway, I did a lil' bit pissed off, but I decided to walk back to the bus stop. I sat there for 20 minutes then suddenly I saw another 301 bus. I was so excited to finally will get on the bus. But as I reached the bus, the bus just went away. and for the second time I was like "WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!?".. then I overheard someone said that, "can not believe it's the second time and the bus was full!" (with Indian accent...) I was going to laugh out loud, but I think that it would be kinda harsh, so decided to do the "silent laugh" but this time, without either expression on the face or body language..!! (HAHAHAHAHA!). Then for the next 10 minutes the real bus finally arrived. (the other 3 buses were "ghost bus!")

I reached Liying's house around 5+.. We hang around a while, teasing Kirks (actually it's just me!) and wait up til' Natalia call. So while waiting we did a lil' bit of this and that. Plucked our eyebrows (it hurts so bad!), poked my pimples.. (that's the most idiotic thing someone ever do, like 2 hours before the party!!)...

then finally Natalia called, it was around 7.30. So we straight away get on bus, and continued the ride to my house. We arrived at 8, then we started to do the real party prep thingy. I straight away went to the bathroom, took a shower and everything. We put on each other's make up. well I did most of it. lol. We finished around 9+, and that's kinda fast! so went out from my house, and outside was really cold and windy. and Liying just couldn't stop shaking! (shake that ass for me... shake that ass for me!!)lol.
after another 1 hour ride and 10 mins walking to the place (thank God we survived. It's a tough journey!! :D), we finally arrived at the Harbourside to take a pee! lol. so here's the picture of the toilet.

so we finally made it to "The Docks". As soon as we get there, the queue were getting longer and longer. And we have to passed like this huge-enormous security to checked our I.D. and his face was so fierce! anyway, we finally get in. But it's kinda less-packed for a party. so we decided to go for another toilet. =) after a while, more people come in, so now it's kinda packed. just a lil' bit. Then I decided to buy a drink. It's a smirnoff. Actually it wasn't a smirnoff, it were smirnoffs and some other drinks that I didnt even noe the name...

There were quite a few number of people that I knew from back home. Besides that, Liying's friend was going to join us, and it was like hours back when they called her to tell them that they're on their way to the party. and like 1 hour plus, we didnt even see or received any phone call from them. It appears that they went to Holland a.k.a lost! Oh, forgot to mentioned, they are Joshua, Heman, and Adrian. They're Liying's friend from back home and they're quite fun. But didnt talk that much with them...

after a lil' bit of dance, this and that, we quiet amused by the outfit of this guy. He said that he was meant to dress in some kind of hippie style, yet apparently, people thought that he's dressing as the king of Dangdut a.k.a Rhoma Irama. That's funny!!! lol. He's fun to talk to. And I was high enough to ask for a picture with a complete stranger. so congratulation DENISE! =p

the party was so good, and I kept on drinking. on and on and on.! I admit, I was a lil' bit drunk that day, but was doing okay. still can dance, and can COUNT. lol.

me and my hubby!

girlies are fun

I didn't realize that there will be like LOTS of my friends there... Then I met my friend named Steven. I was shocked. He was wearing like this skimpy clothes, he even put his fake boobs. (he emphasized that his are bigger than mine. OK!) lol.

steven, denise, liying

~liying's first shot with steve~

and I do realized that TOILET is the best place for you to take picture. they just have the best lightning ever!

i love you beb

then about like 1+, one of my friend, Natasha arrived. So we just took couple of pics, then she just walked off with her boyfriend and friends.! =)

~love you girl~
after like 3 hours nonstop standing inside the place, we decided to hang around outside and join my and steve's friends. There were like 10 of them. So it's quite a big number of group.

~phia, denise, liying, natalia~

~denise, phia, joce~

~the crowd~

We went with empty stomach, so Liying the "eater", she couldn't take it anymore. She bought the hotdog which she claimed that "it tastes like SHIT!!!" lucky you...

i was nearly wasted, and steve was wasted yet he pretend like he didn't. lol.
so it was fun, and we did have a superb-great fun!! can't wait for another party...


Kirksman said...

why's that guy .....dressed, like.....that?

.denise said...

trying to be like hippie star.. but he failed! he looks like the Dangdut singer! lol. also with his over curly hair! =p

liying said...

waaa... u specify like every single thing at the beginning of the post.. then cut, cut, cut n straight to the point after that! LOL... got lazy already is it?

.denise said...

yep lazy and sleepy!! i malas wanna say everything sumemore! nothing to say anyway! hehehe... hungRY!!!

Nickolas said...

malas denise, kept on 'drink and drink and drink' laa.

no more party loh!!

.denise said...

drink drink drink la til' you drop! and sleep at darling harbour!! lol. no moree!!!!!