Thursday 9 August 2007

Fashion Emergency

Get ready for the best gigs ever.. it's "Shine like a star at....GLOW" which will be held on 10th August 2007 at Docks Hotel.. so make sure you get your ass up there.. "Let the Party Begins"

This morning I was really stressed out knowing that I have no outfit to wear for the party which will be held this Friday and coming Friday.. So I decided to take a little walk to Eastgarden. After a while, I stepped in to Supre. It's quite a big shop, which I really hate. They just stack all the clothes, so it's really hard for you to search for something, and most probably will get you an headache. So I dragged myself to the corner of the shop where they usually put all discounted clothes. *I ain't cheapo, I just know how to find cheap stuff*
so I found two dresses which just looks good on me.. flawlessly perfect.

it cost me $20~ cheap for Supre's clothes

yet this one cost me $15

As the boringness hits my dull evening, so I decided to have a little narcism inside my room. I tried the clothes that I bought, and matched it up with pairs of earings, necklace, bracelet and watch. Then start to take the shots! so enjoy....

After all the scene and shot, I went online and asked Liying to join me...
Told her that I bought dresses. I showed it to her, and comes up all compliments for her. *she's good at it*
Then she decided to showed hers too.. Here's the proof.! *sorry Liying..Didn't mean to make you famous!* lol.

caught in the act

beb sorry for things i've said to you. we ain't breaking up right?? lol

mike, i'll be waiting for bring me the doughnuts!! =)


.denise said...

walao die lah.. ly so pissed off of her photo! lol... sorry. i know i'm evil and i'm enjoying it!

liying said...

you are PURELY EVIL!!! more evil than ME!

Anonymous said...

Great Stuff Commandor Denise! u hv successfully installed a sercet camera inside LY's room, its only a matter of time now until we discover whr the treasure is (evil laughs)

* Plz make sure ur identity as my spy unknown esp. to LY, if u r unfortunately being caught, sacrafice urself, ur contribution will be forever remembered


.denise said...

yes i'm evil. ahah.. and i'll be evil-er at the party. ready to get wasted?? lol. yea mike.. great shot isn't it?? yep, i'll do my best to cover up my identity. and if i get caught, i'll sacrifice you! lol.

Nickolas said...

hiii..'evil' denise. haha..just drop to say hi to yr blog. and....just knew that ppl call u evil denise.haha..

nice to meet u anyway xD

.denise said...

hey there nic. evil.. yep! lol. me and liying are the evil princesses. well that's what mike said. so 'evil' just stuck with me! and most likely stuck with liying.! will you be going to friday's party at the loft??

nice to meet you too... (this time without the super loud greet!)

Anonymous said...

HAHHA, supa loud greet! thats not a very nice way to meet someone new!

anyway, - to Nic, i am sure i ll meet u someday man! then i finally will have someone on my side fight these two evil evil princesses!

.denise said...

mike please.. get a life! that's the motto of the day! lol. fight us?? you'll miss us if we're no longer there for you to fight! no more silent laugh! ...
yup supa loud. you want me to greet you like that later meh??

Nickolas said...

hey denise, i just fixed the name of yr blog in my sorry xD

yea, i think im going to the party. at the loft isnt it? see you there.

hey, mikey izzit? hope to meet in someday. dont 4get to tell me why liying and denise so eeeeevil. XD!

Anonymous said...

Thats good Nic, i will be seeing u at the loft then ! lol

sure its a long long story but i am more than willing to tell u all about it ^^