Tuesday 9 October 2007

..Noodle ala Denise..

the pictures of my 10 days break at Jakarta will be available soon..
I'm editing those pictures now. Pinky-promise.
Recipe for today.....

dedication on rattatouile "Everyone can COOK"
200gr of Hokkien noodle
200gr of bacon (cut into small square pieces)
1 red capsicum (cut into small square pieces)
1 carrot (cut into thin layers)
1tbs of garlic
1tbs of chilli
~ heat up the wok with oil on it~
~throw in the garlic, wait until it turns golden brown~
~put chilli, then stir~
~put the bacon in, wait for a while. stir it slowly. wait about 3-5 mins~
~put the capsicum and carrot in. stir~
~once it cooked, take it from the wok to a plate. Leave a little bit to keep the oil on the wok~
~put the hokkien noodle inside the wok. and stir~
~after a while, pour the bacon and everything inside the wok again. stir slowly~
~it's time for salt and pepper~
~then you may taste it. and please feel free to add up more salt or pepper~
cooking is about stir and stir. lol.
and please feel free to add up some suggestion to make it tastier.
liying, enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Oh damn! forgot to take a beat today =="

I have suggestion to make it better ^^, that is not to eat it at all!

(jkk) laaa i would never do that, cook me some next time k!

Li Ying said...

my sis tried it~

she said... were u trying to make what she made the other day?

taste good btw ;p

.denise said...

[mike] you are so NOT going to have any lunch for me! haha.. correctionSS of the day :
1. forgot NOT fogot
2. bit NOT beat (you're not dancing!!)
3. jk NOT jkk (there's no such thing like "just kidding kidding")
4. cook for me NOT cook me! (inspite i LOVE to cook you someday. lol) *evil laugh*

[liying] yep i tried to cook the one that she cooked the other day. did it taste the same??? well, as long as it taste good, it's alright! hehe.. cook for me sometimes liying!

Anonymous said...

COUNTER - Corrections!

1. wt the hell is "forgot not forgot"?

2. hmmm fine! u got me thr!

3. jkk = trying to emphasis how joking i was

4. cook me some = cook some for me ( SAME LA lol)

* But i must say, that comment of urs if damn FUNNY! LOL

Anonymous said...

OKIE i give up! The noodles did taste very good ^^

.denise said...

ahah.. gotcha! see. do you regret your deeds of telling me that i should give up on it because my food wont taste that good?? lol. you'll drooling just to imagine it mike. lol